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KLOwen Software

Streamline Your Workflow
From Case Submission to Delivery.

Root movement and bracket modification GIF

Bringing the Simplicity of Aligner Treatment Into Fixed Appliances With Our Cloud-Based Software. 


Displacement Table Tooth Movement - 1000x1000 Displacement Table Tooth Movement - 1000x1000 Adjust individual tooth movement with brackets - 1000x1000 - Minimized Adjust individual tooth movement with brackets - 1000x1000 - Minimized
Displacement Table Tooth Movement - 1000x1000 Displacement Table Tooth Movement - 1000x1000 Adjust individual tooth movement with brackets - 1000x1000 - Minimized Adjust individual tooth movement with brackets - 1000x1000 - Minimized

Streamline case submissions with doctor-loaded preferences and a centralized location to store patient data and treatment plans for the KLOwen Digital Lab. 

Collaborate directly with our Digital Lab on your treatment plans using the messaging feature integrated to the KLOwen Software. 

Use the intuitive guided checklist to streamline reviews and approvals of the digital setup in minutes. Easily toggle back and forth or use the animation tool view to compare the initial submission vs. the digital lab setup.

Monitor case status, place orders, and track shipments in real time so you are always in control of your KLOwen cases. 

  • Dr. Josh Adcox
    “What I love most about the KLOwen Software is the setups are quick, easy and simple. On average, I'm able to get through cases in KLOwen Software within a few minutes, allowing me to not take homework home.”
    Dr. Joshua Adcox Orthodontist
  • Cheryl Aldridge
    “The KLOwen digital setup is easy compared to some aligner systems I've used because it's a one-and-done setup. It’s a simple process.”
    Dr. Cheryl Aldridge Orthodontist
  • Dr. Brady
    “The KLOwen Software has been great. The process now is so much smoother and easier to use than when we had to do the entire setup ourselves from start to finish.”
    Dr. Patrick Brady Orthodontist
  • Dr. Victoria Diggs
    “I love that the KLOwen Software setup is so intuitive for my patients’ cases. It's really easy for me to detail my cases by moving the teeth around for the best result.”
    Dr. Victoria Diggs Orthodontist
  • Dr. David Jolley
    “The KLOwen Software helps us become better than what we are normally. It helps make us much more efficient and valuable to our practice.”
    Dr. David Jolley Orthodontist
  • Dr. Adam Reynolds
    “What I love about the KLOwen Software is that what I plan is what I get. This is predictability at its best.”
    Dr. Adam Reynolds Orthodontist
KLOwen Software Lifestyle Image 2

Experience the KLOwen Difference with Custom Done Right.

Just like fingerprints, everyone's teeth are unique. Our digital lab ensures a precise, personalized fit by selecting custom brackets for optimal tooth movement based on your approved setup. We then design and print custom IDB trays for accurate prescription placement which are shipped to your practice for easy application. This streamlined, custom orthodontics approach delivers optimal outcomes, fewer appointments, and a more efficient workflow for you, your team, and your patients.